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160.000+ users around the globe
Lesson materials created by experts
Active customer support
An easy-to-use teaching solution to help Grade 3 – 5 students develop basic understanding of Computer Programming.
We provide Grade 3 – 5 students and teachers our online tool that offers coding for kids aged 8 to 14. By solving logic-based puzzles with visual programming blocks, children develop basic programming knowledge and computational thinking skills.
Teacher training
Our facilitators provide the best trainings to get you started. Plus, our customer support is always there to help through phone, email and chat.
Ready to use lesson plans
Easy-to-use teaching materials packed with online and offline activities.
Online game
Students get to practice learned concepts in an engaging way.
Class management tool
Manage students, follow their progress and understanding of learned concepts.
With Coderise Global, kids learn important digital skills:
Programming concepts
Algorithmic thinking
Pattern recognition
Spatial reasoning
Get in touch – we are happy to help! Send us an email at info@coderise.org or give us a call on +1 3478638700.
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